Saturday 11 February 2012

Imperial Winter Series At Hillingdon Round 12

Today was the last race for the Imperial winter series until next winter. Me and Luke went again and it was even colder this week, about 1 degree when we started racing! There was a few place with ice but they were marked out had salt on them. Luke was trying to be like Mark Cavendish and Crashed in the sprint after getting pushed onto the grass! For my race my plan was to sit in and not attack, but with all the sprinting and attacking today I'm glad I waited for the sprint. We started off at a good pace and a few riders tried to get away but got brought back and thoughout the race many people attacked but no one could get away. As the race went on we finally got to the 5 laps to go and I was starting to feel good but was in the wrong place and felt I needed to start moving up a bit so I worked on it and with 3 laps to go I Started to get near a rider from Beeline cycles named James (who is sortof a Zappi) and I stayed with him and as we got to the last lap the bell rung and I was near the front keeping near to James and felt good and as the sprint came I gave it everything and not sure on my placing but I think I was in the top 20 so it was a good days racing for me.

Thanks for reading

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