Today was the Warwick and back time trial; it was about 30.4 miles with mostly down hill to the turn around point. on the way out there was a good down hill part where I got up to 50.8 mph and it was fun. Then after a bit of flat for a few miles then another down hill bit but I only did 40 mph down that bit. I had a good run out to the turn around point not getting held at any where but I was getting hot and had to keep drinking. Before the turn around point I over took two riders and went down the hill to the round about and got around it safely (time 37.08 to roundabout).
On the way back it was all up hill with a few flat bits and one or two down hill bits where I passed a few riders. Before this small 10% climb I was starting to get some saddle sores for sitting there for so long; so I got out the saddle a bit and that just made my legs hurt but I got over the top and had a lot to drink because there was a very big hill coming up. after a bit of riding on the flat I got ready for the last climb a long hill that was very painful but as I climbed I overtook my dad and that helped me feel like I needed to push harder but once over the top I got onto the big ring and push hard for the finish line and got there in a time of 1 hour 19 mins and 27 seconds and over taking 6 people and only 3 over took me.
Thanks for reading
Results are here
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